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How to optimize the feeding of his puppy?

How to optimize the feeding of his puppy

A balanced diet adapted to the breed, size, weight, age and activity of the puppy is essential to its proper development. It is between two and six months that its growth is the fastest, and it is therefore at this time that we must be the most vigilant.
Puppies are very active. Their energy and nutritional needs are greater than those of an adult. Their diet should contain proteins, carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, vitamins and calcium. However, not all puppies have the same needs. These are assessed primarily on the basis of race, size, and activity.
Feeding your puppy ... depending on its size and weight
The size of the puppy is a parameter not to be taken lightly when choosing its diet and daily rations. Indeed, it must be assumed that a small dog reaches its adult weight between 9 and 12 months, a medium dog between 12 and 18 months, and a large dog at 24 months (while some of They will have practically reached their adult size at 6 months). The mini juniors, therefore, grow faster, but their stomach is smaller. Therefore, their diet must be richer in energy and nutrients than medium or maxi juniors.
Feeding your puppy ... depending on your activity
As regards quantities, they again depend on the size and weight of the animal, but also on its activity. The division of meals is, however, common to most puppies: three to four meals a day will be given to an animal aged 2 to 6 months and then two meals until the first birthday. The feeding of the adult dog can then be divided into one meal or two.
Care must be taken to ensure that quantities are respected, depending on the activity of the puppy. A very active puppy will eat more than a puppy that is not very much. Finally, pay attention to the overweight of the puppy which can lead to skeletal problems, especially in future big dogs

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