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dog dental care

dog dental care

You may not know it but taking care of your dog's teeth is as important as taking care of yours. Proper dental care is crucial to the health of your pet.
Plate and Tartar
Saliva, proteins, bacteria and food residues contribute to the formation of the plaque that gradually develops on the teeth. The minerals in your dog's saliva are transformed into tartar, a yellow, hard substance that accumulates at the base of the gums. Tartar can irritate the gums and cause gingivitis, the onset of periodontal disease.
An old problem
This can become a serious problem with your dog's aging. Bacteria and toxins attack teeth, bones, gums and tissue around the teeth, which can cause significant infection and loss of a tooth.
The bacteria that cause this infection can move to the lungs, liver, kidneys and heart if they enter the bloodstream.
Taking care of your dog's teeth will therefore not only keep him healthier, but you will also avoid costly dental care.
The warning signs
Your veterinarian can identify any problems during your dog's annual visit; Prior to this, remain nevertheless attentive to the following signs:
-Yellow and brown tartar deposits around the gums
-Problems feeding
-Gums are swollen, susceptible to bleeding
-Bad breath
Remember that bad breath in dogs can have many medical causes. A normal dog breath does not have to be nauseating.
Good brushing
So how to take care of your dog's teeth? Well, more or less as you take care of yours; Regular brushing, proper diet and a visit to the dentist from time to time. Brushing your teeth will be easier if you dress your dog from an early age, but be aware that even older dogs will get used to it.
Do not use human toothpaste because the foam excites the dogs and can also disturb their stomach. There is pasta specifically designed for the animals, without any risk and with a taste that will appear to them more pleasant.
Depending on the size of your dog's teeth and jaw, you may be able to use a normal toothbrush. There are nevertheless brushes specifically designed for animals, which are placed on the finger to facilitate brushing. Do not hesitate to ask your veterinarian for advice.
To accustom your dog to brushing your teeth, start by calming it down by reassuring it. Let it taste a very small sample of the toothpaste, then gently massage its teeth so that it gets used to the sensation.
He may not like it at first, but be patient. You will eventually get there.
Brush in a circular motion, paying particular attention to where the gum and tooth meet. Then, just before finishing, brush with a vertical movement, towards the inside of the mouth in order to clear the plate that you have taken off.
Brush your dog's teeth at least once a week, and if it's once a day it's even better.
Alternatives to brushing
There are meals and snacks specially designed for dogs that help reduce the formation of tartar and protect them from periodontal disease.
This is the simplest way to perform a daily "brushing" to your dog.
Talk to your veterinarian to see his preferred method or food. Do not forget that the good condition of your dog's teeth plays an essential role in his overall health.


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