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why do dogs eat grass

why do dogs eat grass

Your dog is a descendant of the powerful wolf, noble hunter and confirmed carnivore. You give him the best quality food so why does he keep eating grass?
No one knows exactly why dogs eat grass, some animal specialists are almost certain that this is a normal canine behavior and that there are no worries to be had.
There are two reasons why dogs eat grass. The first is simply that your dog likes to graze, and this without harmful risks.
Some veterinarians suggest that dogs eat grass to supplement a nutrient deficient diet, but even dogs with a nutrient-rich diet eat grass. It is possible that they simply love the taste of the grass. It's like lettuce for them. So even if you feed your dog well, it is quite possible that he would like a little salad!
Instinctive behavior
The other reason dogs eat grass is to get vomited. This could very well be a deliberate instinctive act to promote vomiting after swallowing something that makes him sick.
When dogs ingest grass for vomiting, they usually swallow the grass as quickly as possible without even chewing it. It is possible that untreated grass irritates the throat and stimulates vomiting spasms.
If your dog vomits after ingesting the grass and looks quite good, he will probably have evacuated what was bothering him. If he continues to try to vomit but is unable to, or if he continues to eat grass and vomit, take him to your veterinarian.
Safe to eat?
When your dog is eating grass, be alert to the type of herb it ingests. Do not let it eat grass that has been treated with pesticides or fertilizers. Most lawn care products will indicate if they are harmful to animals.


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