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This little bitch gives birth and offers an incredible surprise to her humans

The Hewitt family, living in Minnesota, United States, was eagerly preparing to welcome newcomers: their little bitch, Crystal, was expecting little ones. But the surprise was big when the Poodle finally gave birth. Not less than 16 small pups have a seen the day!

Crystal set a new record, which nothing could predict. Indeed, the bitch resembled any bitch waiting for little ones, according to her humans.

The 16 puppies are in perfect health, despite an accouchement of almost 24 hours. The average range for a poodle is 5 to 6 puppies.

The family owns a poodle farm, called Rockadoodles, and therefore knows the breed well. There is no doubt that they will be able to take care of this little troop.
Added to their 10 biological children, 16 children on all fours - in addition to the two poodles that already shared their lives. Kelli Hewitt explains this career choice:
The 11 small females and 5 small males will live alongside the family in their home. The Hewitt must organize a schedule to feed them, to help their mother, who has a lot to do.

In the past, the family has trained dogs as therapy dogs to help children and adults with disabilities or trauma.
Most Crystal pups will be sold when they grow up, but some will stay with the Hewitt family.

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